Water Conditioners & Water Softeners—What’s the Difference?

Water softeners can be one of four different types of systems:

  1. An ion exchange process (with salt)
  2. Reverse osmosis
  3. Deionization
  4. Distillation

A typical water softener system is generally mechanical appliance which is then plumbed into your home’s water supply. MOST softening systems operate on the same principle by trading minerals for something else. In many cases that “something else” is *sodium. In short, negatively charged minerals connect with positively charged minerals to move hard water through a system to provide you with cleaner, softer water for your home or business.

When it comes to water wells, the water comes directly out of the ground into your home. This water is not treated like the water that may be provided by a municipal water system. Although water filters can remove some minerals in small amounts, a water softener is necessary for larger amounts, such as the water you use for washing clothes or taking a bath.

Water conditioners, on the other hand, do not soften the water. A salt-free water conditioner simply causes the minerals to lose their ability to form.

Benefits of Water Conditioners & Water Softeners

  1. Softeners prevent a light film or a “dirty feeling” from being on your skin after bathing
  2. Softeners can prevent buildup of soap inside washing machines, drains, and dishwashers
  3. Softeners prevent hard minerals from appliance and drainage system from damage
  4. Conditioners are 100% efficient and waste no water
  5. Both have a very minimal environmental impact

What We Can Do For You

In Bemidji, our team of professionals can help test your water to find out what is the best solution for you. We can talk you through benefits and any concerns you may have on these popular water well additives.

Contact us today to find out more about water conditioners, water softeners, and water well drilling. We look forward to hearing from you!